About Us

Do you have any Found poems of your own composition? For a definition, see Submission guidelines below:


We have another poetry review that we hope may interest you:  From the East – a new epic poem by our friend John Greening. See the Reviews page.

with Martin Figura and Helen Ivory
See the Events page.

See below for Submission guidelines

For news of poetry prizes see the Competitions page.


Poetrywivenhoe is a poetry collective established in 2007. We have an occasional live event, or meet by Zoom. Our next live reading will be on 21 November with Martin Figura and Helen Ivory. For info see the Events page. And every morning you will find a fresh poem on the Today’s poem page, where new poems are posted individually in compact form; to view the full poem in proper format click on Continue reading.


Submission guidelines:
• send by email, up to 30 lines (give or take) in 12 pt Times New Roman.
• house style:  the first line starts with either a capital letter or lower case; succeeding lines start lower case, perhaps with a capital after a full stop.
• poems should be your own compositions; if previously published please give relevant details.
• poems should follow the suggested theme, currently Found poetry.
Found poetry: text taken from different sources, such as articles, speech, other poems, and reshaped into quasi-poetic lines, to provide a coherent whole.
• Include a note of the original source material.
• the Editor’s decision is final.
• a posting on the website will constitute an online publication.

Good luck
::Peter Ualrig Kennedy

The Comments section is closed, but you can email me a comment if you wish.


  • ALSO see the Reviews page, the Published page and the Books page for recent news.


Note: we have recently published Poetrywivenhoe’s fourth collection of poems from the Anti-Covid-19 New Poems Initiative, title ‘Different Days, Different Desires‘. See Books page.

Our boat logo (when you can see it – which is not possible at the moment) is by kind permission of Wivenhoe artist James Dodds.

Peter Ualrig Kennedy