Day 507 – On the wing

Day 507 of the daily new poems, and being April 23rd it is William Shakespeare’s birthday.  The Bard of Avon wrote “In Springtime, the only pretty ring time, When birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding; Sweet lovers love the Spring.”  Stirring stuff.  But let us give ear to our own Spring poet Jenna PlewesThe swallows that nest in our porch in the family home in Devon arrived last Sunday, so here’s a poem to celebrate”.  (Editor’s note – I had to check on what are fiddleheads: they are bracken tops.  Of course.)

On the wing                                                      

With sharp black blades,
the first swallows of the year
shave the green fuzz of the hill,

bluebells and fiddleheads stand firm
as hunters sweep overhead
weaving dark threads in blue sky dreams 

Thoughts dart hither and thither 
hunting ideas hatching in the heat
of the lengthening days.

Jenna Plewes