Day 517 – Lancaster to Keswick on the 555

Yes, ’tis Spring, and our poet Helen Price today leaps aboard the 555 bus alongside her muse, one Wm Wordsworth, this Day 517 of the daily new poems.  So brill …

On the Spring timetable of the Lancaster to Keswick 555 double-decker bus

Earth has not anything to show more fair
Dull would he be of soul who could pass by
The springtime schedule of the 555,
A double-decker bus with no compare.
The route in winter’s not so good, as there
Are many villages to satisfy;
It goes so slowly that I fain would cry
(Though it’s a bargain for a £2 fare).
But in the springtime verily I weep
With joy, for then the bus eats up the miles
By zippin’ up the M6 – in one leap
It shoots from Lancaster clean to the hills.
The summer 555’s so fast, so cheap!
Ne’er saw I, never knew, a bus so brill.

Helen Price