Day 536 – Fragility

“Yesterday, When I Was Young” –  one of Charles Aznavour’s greatest songs.  Today 22 May 2024 is the centenary of his birth.  And on Day 536 of the daily poems our poet Mary L Walsh finds a rich, heady summer blossom of love … sing it, Mary!


I found the fragility of love, 
I don’t mean frugality.
A full sumptuous, rich, heady summer blossom
music drifting across the manicured lawn
a bright Latin dance of passion 
It was bracing, unbreaking and good 
with strong flavours of hope 
bolstered by the heat of the day
where every sense could be used again. 

I trusted in the judgment of time 
I had a practical attitude so 
when I thought “Gosh! He’s hunky.”  
I’d be resilient and stand against the sinewy tendons 
that pulled me towards unfaithful emotions
to find the trusted truth in another.  

I tried to be hardy so that I didn’t get in a pickle 
used my instincts to keep a robust heart. 
I stroked the roses, releasing their scent. 
I found that love had the sweetness of toffee in a tray, 
the sharpness of pickles too long in the brine of life.  
And so, I found that I could trust 
in the robustness of your love 
at the meadow 
bank on a fund for the future.

Mary L Walsh