May 2024
Day 540 – Woman in the Year of the Dragon
We arrive at Day 540 of the daily poems, in this Chinese Year of the Dragon. Our poet Fiona Clark imagines a fiery courtship. Woman in the Year of the Dragon Fiery red dragon, dancing in the skies. She grew bold his hot breath on the back of her neck flame in her veins painted her nails cherry red, put on her scarlet… Continue reading
Day 539 – Beach deer
Day 539 of the daily poems. A summer morning, overcast. Our poet Colin Hopkirk is walking on the beach. It’s a dead deer that looks out of place on a beach. From a distance it is hard to make out what it is. Don’t want it to be dead. Beach deer It was no deer… Continue reading
Day 538 – Not Flatford Mill
Day 538 of the daily poems. Our poet Fiona Clark envisages a scene of meadows, cool waters and summer courtship in her poem ‘Not Flatford Mill’, which celebrates the beauty of the low-key, the ordinary, the not especially picturesque aspects of nature – and not especially dramatic aspects of love … Not Flatford Mill The… Continue reading
Day 537 –Reclining figures
Let us imagine a Summer courtship with fleeting evocations of Philip Larkin in this poem of companionship and love. A quiet villanelle from our poet Colin Pink on this Day 537 of the daily poems. Reclining figures Lying side by side, together, beneath a white sheetwe are still as figures carved in timeless effigy.In companionable… Continue reading
Day 536 – Fragility
“Yesterday, When I Was Young” – one of Charles Aznavour’s greatest songs. Today 22 May 2024 is the centenary of his birth. And on Day 536 of the daily poems our poet Mary L Walsh finds a rich, heady summer blossom of love … sing it, Mary! Fragility I found the fragility of love, I don’t… Continue reading