May 2024

  • Day 530 – Lyric Suite

    Speaking of courtship, on this Day 530 of the daily poems we hear from our poet Colin Pink with a villanelle from his collection The Ventriloquist Dummy’s Lament.  Thc composer Alban Berg was in Prague in 1926 for the production of his opera Wozzeck, where he began an affair with Hanna Fuchs-Robettin.  In his string… Continue reading

  • Dy 529 – Conception to coffin

    Now it is Day 529 of the daily poems.  Yesterday our poet Janice Dempsey recalled the sensuality of a summer courtship.  Today our poet Gordon Hoyles gets right to the point with this nonet. Conception to coffin At the perfect peak of excitement, acknowledging the differenceswe each join the other one.Romance developingstarts on the count… Continue reading

  • Day 528 – Love song

    A Wivenhoe friend, bookish type – no names, no pack drill – tells of her Lancastrian father’s classic chat-up line, after a dance: “Ee, yer don’t sweat much for a fat lass, do yer …”  And reader, she married him!  Our poet Janice Dempsey recalls a more sensuous courtship ritual of one warm Summer day. … Continue reading

  • Day 527 – They have arrived!

    It is Day 527 of the daily poems.  Today our poet Jenna Plewes, following our theme of Summer and Courtship, brings us the love song of frogs.  Sadly frog populations in the UK are declining, under pressure from factors such as land use and climate change.  Jenna “saw hundreds of tadpoles yesterday, so the frogs… Continue reading

  • Day 526 – Aurora

    In the night your Editor rose several times from sleep to discover whether he might be able to view the Aurora Borealis.  No such luck.  Either it did not happen over Wivenhoe, or there was excessive light pollution.  On Day 526 of the daily poems however, our poet AndyRew celebrates that magnificent phenomenon. Aurora Aurora… Continue reading