Our poet today, Jenna Plewes, takes us on Day 558 of the daily poems to the summer heat of Verona – the home of Romeo and Juliet, city of history and culture. Che bella!
A summer day in Verona
Heat hammers walls, roofs, streets,
cicadas buzz high in the branches,
thicken the air with endless tinnitus.
In the park children play in a skin of water,
a woman strolls with a kitten on a lead,
it lunges at a pigeon, patters on beside her.
Leaves are a pointillist pattern against the sky,
a breeze shifts ripples of light, pollen dusts
the surface of the pond, the children’s hair.
It is one of those slow days, when nothing
much happens, that drip like resin,
trapping each tiny detail in amber.
Jenna Plewes