Day 571 – Pale Northerners (Hopkirk)

Day 571 of the daily poems … the summer sun has been tanning the faces and arms of pale Northerners in recent days.  Some have been off to even sunnier climes.  Our poet Colin Hopkirk writes “In the south east of Menorca there’s a town that once was a small fishing village. Today it’s a tourist town, the fishing village now a sideshow.”

Pale Northerners 

mostly grandparents and children 
circumnavigate the streets 
in a little yellow train 

it is not a real train 
there is no steam 
it runs on rubber tyres 

the little yellow train 
rings its little yellow bell 
to draw attention to itself 

ten Euros is the fare
which is cheap enough 
and includes a tour 

with points of interest 
and interesting facts 
about the old fishing village

Colin Hopkirk