Day 595 – Yea, each Saturday (Hopkirk)

Day 595 of the daily poems.   Our poet Colin Hopkirk gives us a shining example of righteousness and rectitude … Perhaps Sacredness, like Beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.  

Yea, each Saturday 

it came to pass
the cleaning of the car
loosening the dirt 
cold baptism with hose
followed by shampoo 
of finest quality 
applied with special sponge 
then rinsed with lukewarm water 
chased off with care
with finest chamois leather 
then Turtle Wax applied 
a thin application 
(more would be wasteful)
its fine white haze
buffed clockwise 
in a circular motion 
then Autosol for chrome
similarly applied
similarly buffed
and the car
the sacred car
parked out on the drive 
a shining example 
of righteousness 
of rectitude 
a public declaration 
of cleanliness being 
next to godliness 
the devil making work 
for idle hands

Colin Hopkirk