July 2024
Day 600 – Yuan Gin (Salt)
Day 600 of the daily poems, a prestigious number, a prestigious day. 26 July 2024, the opening day of the Paris Olympics. But for today’s poem our poet Chrys Salt takes us away from Paris to the Far East, to the story of Yuan Gin, the Buddhist goddess of compassion. Yuan Gin struggled so hard… Continue reading
Day 599 – Sacred (Usher)
Day 599 of the daily poems, and for our poet Julia Usher the years of espousal affirm a sacred love … Sacred there have been sacred trees,that cut down make the paper for the lover’s wish:most sacred is your smile to me your hand taking and holding mine..… the hair of my child’s head,soft and fair… Continue reading
Day 598 – Sacred relic (Gorgonius)
Day 598 of the daily poems, and our poet Gorgonius has come upon something odd. It may be sacred … Sacred relic what is it therewhat is it in my pocket I do not know whatis in my pocket it is a flat thing a round thinglike a coin perhaps it is… Continue reading
Day 597 – Cathedral voices (Haines)
Day 597 of the daily poems, and our poet Simon Haines pursues the theme of The Sacred to the sound of cherubic voices ringing out across a cathedral close. Cathedral voices Leaving loathsome poverty,corruption, greed and slaughter,we pass through an ancient archinto the close where a peaked attendantgives us a handwritten permit. Later we’re in… Continue reading
Day 596 – Evensong (Adès)
Day 596 of the daily poems. Our translator-poet Timothy Adès turns to the poetry of George Drosinis (1859-1951), an important figure in modern Greek literature. Drosinis contributed to the development and establishment of modern Greek language, the Demotic. His poem ‘Evensong’ depicts bucolic aspects of The Sacred in tranquil and clear imagery, masterfully presented in… Continue reading