July 2024
Day 595 – Yea, each Saturday (Hopkirk)
Day 595 of the daily poems. Our poet Colin Hopkirk gives us a shining example of righteousness and rectitude … Perhaps Sacredness, like Beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Yea, each Saturday it came to passthe cleaning of the carloosening the dirt cold baptism with hosefollowed by shampoo of finest quality applied with special sponge then… Continue reading
Day 594 – Durga’s temple (Salt)
Day 593 of the daily poems. There is something visceral and colourful about our poet Chrys Salt’s poem today, and about aspects of the Hindu religion that she describes. Chrys met the Goddess Durga when in India reading at The Kolkata book fair – which she says was quite an experience! Durga is a fierce… Continue reading
Day 593 – Buddleias (Ford)
Our theme is The Sacred – but with today’s poem ‘Buddleias’ you may think we have reverted to the Summer theme. Indeed there is much that is sacred about the bee. It is Day 592 of the daily poems. When it was Day 573 our poet Brian Ford, in his poem ‘Scent of flowering privet’,… Continue reading
Day 592 – Brahms and the angels (Kennedy)
When I read Fiona Clark‘s poem ‘Angel ceiling’ yesterday (Day 591) I thought: gosh, she and I speak the same language – so here is my corresponding offering on the theme of The Sacred, on Day 592 of the daily poems. Brahms and the angelsThe Church of Our Lady Saint Mary, South Creake On the… Continue reading
Day 591 – Angel ceiling (Clark)
Today is Day 591 of the daily poems, and we begin our new theme of The Sacred. Our poet Fiona Clark reflects the wonder that is the hammerbeam roof at St Mary’s church on Honey Hill, in Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk. Angel ceilingSt Mary’s Church, Bury St Edmunds. Celestial music –we’ve heard it spilling… Continue reading