Day 640 – The Long Song (Whitney)

Our poet Kaaren Whitney sings a long song of grass and wind of heat and cool water on this Day 640 of the daily poems …

The Long Song

As I wander the tree circle
poised between hawthorn and oak
still wearing the same blue dress
of batik moons and silver stars,
I remember the Maypole plaiting,
weaving green over red
as we danced together beyond dusk
into Pan’s deeper dark.

I hear you voice your proclamation,
as we leap the twin fires,
embers abating, two merging into one.
Later, bonfire flames shoot skyward
and standing back, we slip away
to the protection of Gaia’s woods
where a fern nest lies ready
for the fulfillment of the Great Rite.

I hear you whisper promises
of being true as long as day is light,
as far as night is dark.
You sing a song of grass and wind
of heat and cool water.
I hum the under-line 
and know our love will stay bound
for as long as we sing the same song.

Kaaren Whitney