Day 642 – Here come the Keçak women (Monach)

Today is Day 642 of the daily poems, in September 2024; some five decades ago our poet Jane Monach was in Bali, where she saw a troupe of women performing the Keçak dance (the monkey dance) which is usually performed by men making the musical monkey noises; only recently have women been included. This led to an imagining …

Here come the Keçak women 

running wild
çakçakçakking through supermarkets
through forests of foodstuffs 

rivers of drink, streamlets of sauce
mountains of toiletries

their monkey men left behind 
in the valleys of Bali
these wives and daughters, sisters, aunts
dance their disgust at excess

leave trails of cracked cartons
swish their long tails
at glass shards, plastic shreds
at the tyranny of business plans
at the gluttony of profits

piss on packaged lettuce and carrots
trample containers of beetroot and sprouts

free almonds and peanuts 
from boxes and tins

fling bananas, their favourites
into the air, un-polythened

liberate kilos of rice
to boil, colour and shape
into sculpted cakes
carried high on their heads

There go theKeçak women

Jane Monach
appears in ‘Slices of Air’ collection of Jane’s poems