Day 675 – Plantation (Marriage)

Today, Day 675 of the daily poems, our poet Alwyn Marriage adds just three lines to a Sri Lankan information booklet, and composes an intriguing found poem.

found poem from a tea factory information booklet, Sri Lanka

An old planter remembers:
he remembers the train shouting 
tea,    tea,    tea,
as the steam driven mini monster 
panted up the verdant tea clad slopes,
(the old planter still remembers, 
he remembers the sound of tea) 

and he watched it singing 
coconut,    coconut,    coconut
in the first phase of its joyful descent 
(joyful, so joyful; so singing and so
joyful)    as it steamed down
to the coconut groves 
of the western plains.

Alwyn Marriage