Day 696 of the Daily Poems, and our resident poetaster Gorgonius has a found poem constructed of lines from a chapter in Art Textiles of the World – the Netherlands which is a rather wondrous book “a treasure trove for weavers, spinners, felters, dyers …”
First there is an open space
my white has become transparent
my leather has become stone
effects literally fall into my lap
Fabric becomes confectionary
becomes skin
becomes glass
I call my work “looking into the wallpaper”
I want to examine fabrics
unravel their secrets
the way one’s memory works
often amazes me
My thread, now a bamboo cane,
became independent
I made it stand erect
in perspex cubes
In the end
only the essence of the thread
The quivering lines
try to find their own way
to what
cannot be found
The metamorphosis of textile
has no secrets for me
any more
lines extracted and re-ordered from “Art Textiles of the World – the Netherlands” edited by Dery Timmer, Telos Art Publishing 2001