October 2024
Day 692 – Enclosed (Symons)
On Day 692 of the Daily Poems, our poet Anne Symons immures herself in a Found Poem that blends some NHS advice from the time of the pandemic with the “Anchorites’ Rule” … EnclosedFrom NHS Advice to the Shielded (March 2020) and the Ancrene Riwle (13th century) Your safety and care are our concernAnchored so the… Continue reading
Day 691 – He laughs at his own jokes (Hopkirk)
Our poet Colin Hopkirk, on Day 691 of the daily poems, serves up another slice of life from a Lincolnshire pub. Is it a Found Poem? Or perhaps a Sound Poem? He laughs at his own jokes ‘Southend-on-smack!’he says it againas though no one heardand then againonly louderguffaws chortles cacklesall of this in acocker-ney accenta… Continue reading
Day 690 – Expendable (Kennedy)
On Day 690 of the daily poems I offer you a found poem dating back about 10 years ago, horribly relevant at the time … Expendablelines from a newspaper article we knew who he wasand he knew us what we didn’t knowat that precise moment was what he knew and what he knew about the timing… Continue reading
Day 689 – Viscum album (Haines)
On Day 689 of the daily poems our poet Simon Haines writes “I found this on the Woodland Trust website. I used the text with just a few words altered or added from later in the article” – and here is his Found Poem of mistletoe: Viscum album Waxy, white berriesin twos or threes,with seeds… Continue reading
Day 688 – Hazards (Pink)
Our poet Colin Pink is inspired by notices on the Front at Bexhill on Sea. Poetry in hazard warnings. Day 688 of the daily poems. Danger sudden drop … Hazards after Environment Agency notice boards Beware underwater obstaclesCaution uneven surfacesBeware strong currents Danger vertical drop Beware soft sandCaution slippery surfacesBeware deep water Danger sudden drop Colin… Continue reading