October 2024

  • Day 692 – Enclosed (Symons)

     On Day 692 of the Daily Poems, our poet Anne Symons immures herself in a Found Poem that blends some NHS advice from the time of the pandemic with the “Anchorites’ Rule” … EnclosedFrom NHS Advice to the Shielded  (March 2020) and the Ancrene Riwle (13th century)  Your safety and care are our concernAnchored so the… Continue reading

  • Day 691 – He laughs at his own jokes (Hopkirk)

    Our poet Colin Hopkirk, on Day 691 of the daily poems, serves up another slice of life from a Lincolnshire pub.  Is it a Found Poem?  Or perhaps a Sound Poem? He laughs at his own jokes ‘Southend-on-smack!’he says it againas though no one heardand then againonly louderguffaws chortles cacklesall of this in acocker-ney accenta… Continue reading

  • Day 690 – Expendable (Kennedy)

    On Day 690 of the daily poems I offer you a found poem dating back about 10 years ago, horribly relevant at the time … Expendablelines from a newspaper article we knew who he wasand he knew us what we didn’t knowat that precise moment was what he knew and what he knew about the timing… Continue reading

  • Day 689 – Viscum album (Haines)

    On Day 689 of the daily poems our poet Simon Haines writes “I found this on the Woodland Trust website.  I used the text with just a few words altered or added from later in the article” – and here is his Found Poem of mistletoe: Viscum album Waxy, white berriesin twos or threes,with seeds… Continue reading

  • Day 688 – Hazards (Pink)

    Our poet Colin Pink is inspired by notices on the Front at Bexhill on Sea.  Poetry in hazard warnings.  Day 688 of the daily poems.  Danger sudden drop … Hazards after Environment Agency notice boards Beware underwater obstaclesCaution uneven surfacesBeware strong currents Danger vertical drop Beware soft sandCaution slippery surfacesBeware deep water Danger sudden drop Colin… Continue reading