October 2024
Day 677 – Made in Bangladesh (Kennedy)
Day 677 of the daily poems, and the Found Poem theme is providing much interest. Yesterday’s ‘This walk’ and today’s ‘Made in Bangladesh’ are simple texts for which the manipulation into formal lines or stanzas, with perhaps a phrase or two added, makes them poems. Our poet Walter Paul Kennedy finds inspiration in an item… Continue reading
Day 676 – This walk (Monach)
It is Day 676 of the daily poems, and the Found Poem theme is bringing us fascinating gems. Our poet Jane Monach recalls a visit to South Africa, and a notice to walkers, couched in seriously admonitory terms … This walkNotice at the beginning of the Oystercatcher Trail, Western Cape. This walk has a rating… Continue reading
Day 675 – Plantation (Marriage)
Today, Day 675 of the daily poems, our poet Alwyn Marriage adds just three lines to a Sri Lankan information booklet, and composes an intriguing found poem. Plantationfound poem from a tea factory information booklet, Sri Lanka An old planter remembers:he remembers the train shouting tea, tea, tea,as the steam driven mini monster panted up the verdant… Continue reading
Day 674 – Elephant Park (Drescher)
Day 674 of the daily poems. Our poet today, Rosemary Drescher, writes: “I have recently collaborated with a local artist, Victoria Dessau, whose paintings are currently in an exhibition at the Heysham Library. Ten of her paintings are accompanied by my poems, including this found poem, ‘Elephant Park’. The text is based on wording from… Continue reading
Day 673 – You’ve Got a Nerve (Kennedy)
Day 673 of the daily poems. This found poem is composed of song titles for the MartPaul duo, suggested by songwriter Paul Kennedy, and arranged into a coherent / semi-coherent sequence. You’ve Got a Nervea found poem You’ve Got a Nerve – I Have Never Mocked You, You with your Nervous Perfume. You’re Just Too Dreamy – What… Continue reading