Day 742 of the Daily Poems. It’s Sunday morning, so let us turn to Matthew 6:22-24 “The light of the body is the eye” which by a stretch may lead us to the portals of the soul. Our poet today, Julia Usher, exhorts us to fling wide the portals …
If eyes be portals of the Soul,
Fling wide their openness and read……
….new meanings, beauties, washed by tears,
letting go the river of these fears……
Pandora’s box was safe enough –
No man of hardened heart is tough enough
to risk what might be locked inside;
nor brave enough to risk……..
the loss of HOPE………
…Kept fixed upon the metal lock…….
The keys we keep in stock, in purse, in drawer;
No heart can risk the loss of treasure locked inside
the loss of HOPE……….
Fling wide the portals then, and still believe –
with hope; no loss; with love, retrieved…………….
Julia Usher