Gérard de Nerval (1808-1855) was a French essayist, poet, and translator. Today is Day 755 of the Daily Poems, and our poet translator Timothy Adès brings to life de Nerval’s fantasy portal: fair lady at her lofty window.
Fantasy by Gérard de Nerval
Translated by Timothy Adès
Rossini, Mozart, yes, and Weber,
I’d give them all for just one tune:
It’s ancient, languid and sepulchral,
It keeps its charms for me alone.
I hear it, and my soul is younger:
Each time, two centuries are gone.
Louis the Thirteenth; a green hillside
Turns golden in the setting sun.
Stately brick house with fine stone corners:
Red colours tint its window-glass.
A river laves its feet, goes flowing
Through parks in flower, swathes of grass;
Fair lady at her lofty window,
Black eyes, her dress historical,
Whom in some earlier existence
I may have seen … and can recall!
Gérard de Nerval
Translated by Timothy Adès