December 2024

  • Day 743 – Can’t get through the door (AndyRew)

    Day 743 of the Daily Poems.  Our poet today, AndyRew, has found a very different portal, somehow related to the portal vein, at the same time as being hindered at the doctor’s own portal.  Such a disappointment. Can’t get through the door He couldn’t hide his disappointmenton being refused a doctor’s appointmentwith the consultant who… Continue reading

  • Day 742 – Portals (Usher)

    Day 742 of the Daily Poems.  It’s Sunday morning, so let us turn to Matthew 6:22-24 “The light of the body is the eye” which by a stretch may lead us to the portals of the soul.  Our poet today, Julia Usher, exhorts us to fling wide the portals … Portals If eyes be portals… Continue reading

  • Day 741 – Catflap (Gorgonius)

    Yesterday a monstrous dog, today – on Day 741 of the Daily Poems – our poet Gorgonius meets a strange cat.  A cat that finds a useful portal for itself … Catflap The strange cat came in through the catflapon a grey afternoon The strange cat sauntered in and jumpedlazily on to the sofa The… Continue reading

  • Day 740 – Whitby Abbey (Clark)

    Day 740 of the Daily Poems.  In October 1897 the Russian schooner Demeter, in the grip of a massive storm, with its dead captain lashed to the helm, crashed into Whitby’s East Pier.  This proved to be Count Dracula’s portal into England, as he took the form of an immense dog which sprang from the… Continue reading

  • Day 739 – making omelettes (Dempsey)

    Day 739 of the Daily Poems … and our poet Janice Dempsey sees freedom in a poem that is for anyone who has found themselves in a dead end in their life and has had to cut their losses, has had to break up present boundaries in order to find a ‘portal’ out and make progress toward… Continue reading