The German poet Joachim Ringelnatz (1883-1934) was something of a humorist, and in this jingly little poem about New Year’s Eve, our translator poet Timothy Adès captures that sense of the ridiculous. Day 765 of the Daily Poems.
Sylvester (New Year’s Eve)
Joachim Ringelnatz
Translated from German by Timothy Adès
Although New Year is imminent,
All trace of it has ceased here.
Time passes, as it does in Lent,
At Whitsun, and at Easter,
And has for centuries. Yet folks
Want booze and juicy chatter.
I hear deep feeling, scandal, jokes…
Roast hare and, on my platter,
Cumberland sauce. Who’s opposite?
There sits a nurse, none better,
Bright spark. I know her quite a bit:
Last night is when I met her.
Champagne is truthful and a liar,
Takes toll. Cheers, kindly Sister!
Off to my bed! Happy New Year!
A quick one for Sylvester!
Time passes and the spider spins
And threads her stealthy weaving.
Tonight a whole New Year begins,
A whole new life for living.
Joachim Ringelnatz
Translated from German by Timothy Adès
From ‘Ringelnatz the Rhymer’ (The High Window Press)