Day 770 – Thee Dying Swan (Adams)

Day 770 of the Daily Poems, and at this early time of the year the roads, if not snowbound, have been pretty frosty.  Anxiety abounds when family or friends take to the wheel, so say a little prayer … Our poet today, Derek Adams, recounts a harrowing tale.

The Dying Swan

Winter morning, diffuse 
light through clouds 
reflect off the icy road
making it look like a river
to a Bewick’s swan 
for somewhere to land.

It might have broken a leg
it might even have made it okay
if it hadn’t been for Amanda
in her old Mini Cooper,
blasting from the CD player,
on her way to catch 
the early train to London.

The windscreen crushed 
the swan’s skull
then broke its neck, 
before the body 
thudded against the glass.

The car pirouettedoff the road,
down a three foot embankment 
into an elm tree.
Two hours later, 
firemen freed Amanda alive.

She no longer dreams 
of dancing at Covent Garden;
just a thunderstorm 
of glass and feathers, 
a swan’s neck draped 
over the dashboard,
the head a bloody pendulum 
its one remaining yellow eye 
fixed on her.

Derek Adams