Day 782 – Half-decent (Gorgonius)

On this Day 782 of the Daily Poems, our venerable poet Gorgonius reveals his regrets on how things have turned out …


In that bright summertime
of sixty years ago
they made me captain
of the First Form Cricket B Team.

Didn’t last more than a week.
Couldn’t bat.  Couldn’t bowl.
I was not a leader of men;
that came later.

So they made me scorer
for the First Form Cricket B Team.
Didn’t last more than a week.
I was not good with numbers.

Then we were given choices
for Tuesday afternoons:
Music, Drama, Literature.
I chose Music –

my parents said No,
not the music option,
won’t get you anywhere.
Do Literature.

Now I am seventy,
a half-decent man of letters.
What I wanted to be was
a half-decent guitarist.
