January 2025
Day 769 – A refugee dreams (Clark)
It is Day 769 of the Daily Poems, and for most of us the dawning of the new year is an opportunity to make resolutions and look to the future; but for some the present is tragic and the future is bleak. There must be a humane solution to the refugee crisis … meanwhile our… Continue reading
Day 768 – It’s Never Too Late (Booker)
In the last few days of this new year of 2025 a large swathe of the British Isles has been covered in snow, and today 10 January we awake to icy and freezing cold conditions across the country. It is Day 768 of the Daily Poems, and our poet Claire Booker opines that there’s no… Continue reading
Day 767 – Birthday morning (Marriage)
Day 767 of the Daily Poems, a January morning in 2025, and we are all another year older; but for our poet Alwyn Marriage one of these mornings will be a birthday morning. And it is also the birthday (9th January) of Kate, Princess of Wales, whom we salute. Birthday morning So here I am,… Continue reading
Day 766 – January morning (Elkin)
Day 766 of the Daily Poems, and it is a January morning. Our poet Roger Elkin has his breath taken away by its sheer madness, its wealth. January morning is all magpie. Ribbons of snow in fields, beneath hedgerows,lagging in furrows and hollows;streamers of grit-stone walls spilling downhilland beyond over the moors;a pale duck-egg sky,… Continue reading
Day 765 – Sylvester (Adès)
The German poet Joachim Ringelnatz (1883-1934) was something of a humorist, and in this jingly little poem about New Year’s Eve, our translator poet Timothy Adès captures that sense of the ridiculous. Day 765 of the Daily Poems. Sylvester (New Year’s Eve)Joachim RingelnatzTranslated from German by Timothy Adès Although New Year is imminent,All trace of it… Continue reading