Day 487 – Spring is sprung!

Our poet translator Timothy Adès, on Day 487 of the daily new poems, reminds us of German poet Friederike Kempner (1828-1904).  Friederike wrote light-heartedly of Spring, sadly remaining unmarried until her death at the age of 75 –  but read on …

Spring is sprung!

by Friederike Kempner (1828-1904)
translated from German by Timothy Adês

Spring is sprung! When Spring arrives 
Scrambled eggs are crowned with chives,  
People’s heads have violets on,
There’s good cheer for everyone.
Rampant in these veins of ours,
Novel unsuspected powers!
Halts and hindrances depart,
Lightness reigns in every heart…
In my heart the question grows:
‘This year, will some man propose?’

Friederike Kempner
trans. Timothy Adès