Day 484 – Bumbling bee

Easter Sunday.  So many connotations.  Christ’s resurrection.  Paschal candle symbolising the appearance of light out of darkness.  Easter eggs a symbol of the Resurrection and new life emerging.  The Easter bunny as a mainly American Protestant rejection of Catholic Easter customs. Folk memories of Eostre, Anglo-Saxon goddess of Spring.  Fertility and rebirth.  I hope that our poet today, AndyRew, will not mind if we put those considerations to one side as he proffers this short verse of a miracle of Spring, which was written during the pandemic for his friend Simon who had contracted Covid in his role as an emergency nurse. It’s Day 484 of the daily new poems.

Bumbling bee

Stumble, drunken bumblebee,
you necked that nectar recklessly
with pollen paunch and fizgig wing,
your flight a miracle, marvel thing

read out on BBC 6 Music early on in the pandemic