Day 670 – Objects that inspire a Poetic Reaction (Adams)

Day 670 of the daily poems.  We are close to completing the excavation of our trove of Buried Treasure – but our poet today, Derek Adams, has thoughts of a multitude of treasured objects.

Objects that inspire a Poetic Reaction

Notepad, an album in which I have pressed:
the first papyrus leaf of Autumn,
a pebble still wet from a retreating wave,
a red and green kite straining for the sun,
the pink/blue gleam of neon on a blade,
sugar cube houses on a Greek hillside 
nestled in the rattle and roll call of cicadas,
a crow’s black shadow fading on roadkill
light dawning on a spider’s web strung with tears,
a vein that pulses beneath the tenuous skin of an ankle,
an August field stripped naked
and bundled into body bags,
a carp’s fin stirring the cold tea surface of the canal,
a clock’s loud tick in an empty room,
a raindrop’s drunken journey down a window pane,
the tequila slam of your sweat on my tongue.
Each finds its way into my pen
waits patiently its chance.

Derek Adams