Day 714 – Two sides to every season (Drescher)

Our November poet today Rosemary Drescher looks at two sides to every season.  The sun is going walkabout.  Day 714 of the Daily Poems.

Two sides to every season

The days 
are tiring, their light
slowing to blunt grey and night
falling too soon, a smotherer’s cushion,
the ground going cold under its leaf sheet
a few last time-of-life buds that won’t open
late anemones holding out their aprons
in the hope of other life

that is withdrawing with 
the stout earth’s tilt, the sun now
sprinkling its warmth below the belt
waking the day to an early start, waratah
coming of age, wattle in a festival of pollen
jacarandas laughing out loud lavender
on a spring day in

Rosemary Drescher
the waratah flower is the emblem of New South Wales