Day 729 – at the entrance (Monach)

The portal on Day 729 of the Daily Poems is an entrance.  Our poet Jane Monach walks towards sunshine-dazzle …

at the entrance 

I hear chanting from the choir
      altos, tenors, cadences of psalms

praise rising in shafts of colour
       from stained-glass saints, orange, yellow, red 

memory of comfort, wrapped in familiar rhythms
          in winter coats and gloves

I look up to promise hidden in the vaulted ceiling
down to stone-flags, scuffed and worn

walk towards sunshine-dazzle at the door
close my eyes until outside

and open to see intricate branches
against blue sky, white clouds passing

small crocus beds, green shoots opening
to white, yellow, purple

I hear a blackbird’s song 

Jane Monach