Day 733 – Beer can prayer-wheel (Hopkirk)

Our poet Colin Hopkirk muses “Are prayers portals? It’s a stretch, maybe.”  But a prayer wheel might be a portal.  Nice to think of Colin trekking round Ladakh, honouring prayer flags and turning prayer wheels, blessing the countryside and releasing mantras into the heavens; however: “I bought a book in my local Oxfam bookshop recently, an exhibition catalogue of religious/belief system objects. One of these was a Buddhist prayer wheel, made from a beer can and wood.”  Day 733 of the Daily Poems … Spin the wheel.  Worth a try.

Beer can prayer-wheel

we don’t need much 

through repetition 
through invocation 

we could (couldn’t we?)
knock something up

spin the wheel 
see if it works

Colin Hopkirk