Daily Poem
Day 806 – Lunar beauty (Clark)
Our poet Fiona Clark sees eternal beauty in a crescent moon – and the poem evokes the music of the spheres. It is Day 806 of the Daily Poems … Lunar beauty A bare rock circles in silence in an interstellar drift of dust. Burning rocks blaze in darkness,hurtling through time and space. We look up… Continue reading
Day 805 – Skilanglaufen (Hopkirk)
A friend sends our poet Colin Hopkirk a photograph which displays the beauty of the high Austrian Alps in winter. Here in Essex today, in February, on Day 805 of the Daily Poems, the skies are leaden. No snow, no skilanglauf. One can but dream … Skilanglaufen Michael Grosse sends me a photograph. High in the Austrian… Continue reading
Day 804 – The sea (Adès)
It is Day 804 of the Daily Poems, and our translator poet Timothy Adès dips into Paul Verlaine’s Sea. The sea is beautiful. La mer est plus belle que les cathédrales. Absinthe enthusiast Verlaine (1844-1896) was elected France’s “Prince of Poets” by his peers in 1894. The Sea VerlaineTranslated from French by… Continue reading
Day 803 – These are but dreams (O’Shea)
Day 803 of the Daily Poems, and it is St Valentine’s Day. Our poet Rick O’Shea delivers himself of some heartsick yearnings … These are but dreams if I could only have a footfall fleet as the springing hare, if I could leap tall buildings at a single bound, I’d dare,… Continue reading
Day 802 – When the Laughing Cavalier met Mona Lisa (Oswick)
Our poet Tony Oswick sends “a little ditty” about one of the most beautiful women ever painted, on Day 802 of the Daily Poems. When the Laughing Cavalier met Mona Lisa “Good morning,” said the Cavalier,“you don’t look very happy.Oh please cheer up and be like me,a very chirpy chappie. But despite you being sombre,I… Continue reading