Daily Poem

  • Day 777 – The yellow field (Hickson)

    Regrets – we’ve had a few, and today our poet Barbara Hickson sifts through the ashes of experience.  But once there was sunshine, and a yellow field.  It is Day 777 of the Daily Poems. The yellow field When the fire subsides and I find myselfscratching through ashes,searching for answers, call to me from the… Continue reading

  • Day 776 – The Lord’s Army (Marriage)

    It is Day 776 of the Daily Poems.  Regrets and Uncertainties is our theme.  Our poet today, Alwyn Marriage. disparages the old hymn ‘Onward Christian soldiers’.  When she visited a college in Northern Uganda, years ago, she was appalled to see the utter devastation caused by an attack by the Lord’s Resistance Army.  It made… Continue reading

  • Day 775 – Carved ebony statuette (Plewes)

    Today our poet Jenna Plewes wonders, in this affecting poem, with some hint of regret, what became of two young people in Sierra Leone all those years ago. It is Day 775 of the Daily Poems.   Carved ebony statuette                Slant light from the table lamp explores a calm… Continue reading

  • Day 774 – Smoke (Mangeot)

    In this poem of regret our poet Andrè Mangeot sensitively describes the silence of loss and of not forgetting, regret clinging like smoke.  Day 774 of the Daily Poems. Smoke In from the garden, still later from the bathit clung on – in your hair, in my sweater’sthick weave – the last bonfire won’t let… Continue reading

  • Day 773 – The Museum of Mistakes (Dempsey)

    So many regrets!  What if we were all to visit the Museum of Mistakes?  What might we learn?  Our poet Dónall Dempsey is haunted, having seen too much … it is Day 773 of the Daily Poems. The Museum of Mistakes here in the Museumof MistakesI wander among the many exhibitsamazedgasp at how stupid people… Continue reading